" is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abuser"

.......Seriously, use and abuse me. I want it!!
I was already falling in love, oh how I want to be like youuuuuuuuuu.
Luckily, I had a plan....
I saw this sexy beast at a car show in California just a month earlier and thought
"that's the only car to rent. period"
Lock me up in here.
...you guys know it's night, right?
Step 3: Learn the Language
I did want to see his MasterKock
Honestly, its a hard language to piece together. Even this Sprite gave me anxiety.
What's this label about servings? Caffeine? Sugar? Acid? No clue

yeah, exactly.
Step 4: Swedish delights
Swedish food is not something I had before, so we went with what the hotel recommended
Best fucking sorbet ever.
For whatever reason, inside this bar the only other people I met were fucking Californians